Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 10, 2017

Top delicious food you must try in Hoian

The way to eat this dish is to taste the fish sauce. This is a kind of sauce mixed with sugar, onions, minced pineapple, garlic and green chilli. You can go to Ba Gia restaurant in village 1, Cam Nang to enjoy. To get more information, you can click: 

Where to go in Can Tho? – Mekong Delta travel guide

Banh Bot Loc
Dumplings, cauldrons are different names but are usually served in one dish. These two types have a beautiful shape like roses. So many places are also called by the name of the rose cake.

Raw materials include rice, freshly ground prawns mixed with salt, pepper, onions and other spices. Meanwhile, the composition of cauliflower cake has more mushrooms, cucumber, green onions, pork.

Phuong Bread 

Hoi An is one of the addresses of Vietnam is praised by the international press for delicious sandwiches. The bread here still has the basic kernel of pate, barbecue, pork bacon, herbs and special sauce, which makes the different attractions of each loaf. The crispy crust, the fatty part, not mix together to make everyone enjoy.

The only food that is not in the center of the old town, but many people are finding is the cake. In many places, the cake here is placed in small cups. The top of the shrimp is pink, red pepper, black pepper and green onions. Depending on taste, you can add fish sauce or chilli to increase the taste.

The way to eat this is quite special when not using chopsticks or spoons that bamboo knives, a tool made from bamboo and blades into the blade. Thus, diners enjoy, everyone is curious and strange.

Wet waffle grill
A small cup of tea in the palm, aromatic coconut milk and light up the attractive color is what hold the visitors. For the sweet, tea is a good dish thanks to the sweetness of sugar, the fat of coconut milk and the aroma of banana oil. You can choose from different types like corn, bean, red bean ...

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