Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 8, 2018

Top delicious you should try Mai Chau in North Vietnam in 2019

Mai Chau is a place where there are many specialties with delicious and attractive dishes that are always attractive to visitors, including 3 delicious dishes below you should not miss when coming to Mai Chau mountain 2 days beautiful mountain. to get more information, you can view: Vietnam travel online

This is a special drink of Mai Chau forest, which is made from a kind of leaves available in the forest. The leaves after being broken, dried and then chopped, after boiling the water to the parsley with acrid taste, bring the taste of the smell of herbs, medicine and the smell of throne of forest trees. Leaf juice is very good, stimulates digestion, has a nutritious effect, increase the resistance of the body.

Thai people in Mai Chau are famous for being called "insect land" because it is one of the favorite Thai dishes, and the top of the list is fried cicadas. 
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Thai fritters are processed very nicely, they bring the cicada to cut off the wings, the intestines, especially stuffed with a peanut roasted in the belly, then seasoned and then brought go fried The use of curd to make fried veal has a very special flavor, extremely unforgettable.

This is a traditional dish that has long been recognized as an indispensable dish in Thai Mai Chau ethnic dishes.
Freshly baked fish are washed, cut and cut into pieces and mixed with spices including salt, dried chilli, garlic, ginger, leaf, rice and a little wine. Afterwards, the marinated fish is put into a sealed tube, and marinated in half a month is edible. As long as this dish will be sour, soft meat and delicious to eat. When drinking wine with this fish sauce with sour marinated with a few leaves and a little sticky rice to taste delicious, strong will certainly forget. In addition to Mai Chau you can enjoy many dishes with aromatic mountains like pineapple sticky notes sticky rice, lam